The life of Marie-Noëlle de La Poype is conjugated in the plural
Top-level sportswoman in her youth, she defends throughout the world her country’s colors: Belgium.
Doctor of Law from the Université Libre de Bruxelles, she began a personal reflection on our society.
Graduated from the Fine Arts Academy of Braine l’Alleud in 1994, she finally realizes her dream as an artist, combining creativity and her love for Nature. A declaration of her fascination for complementarity, harmony and balance.
Give life-breath into void and to matter
His work transcends the idea that sculpture has no territory other than the material. Whether mineral, organic, or industrial, the primary element leaves the figurative for the abstract. And her talent, beyond the tangible reconnects the link between the elements, to ultimately revive all our senses.
Her early works use an unusual material with a rare density: bones of marine mammals from the secular age. With totemic lines and subtle elegance, all the power of the elements comes out of them.
Getting closer to the industrial world with Touch Me, she shapes monumental bas-reliefs of colored plastic.
Then imposing slate sculptures: masterly testimony of a human activity linked to the sacred. She splits this blue, dense, compressed and fissible rock to open out the song of the stones, to induce emptiness and space, to remind the complementarity of our universe.
Currently, she sublimates the void and its vibrations as the link of a Whole. Stainless steel wires that she wraps around the stone or from which she forms metallic plants, trees without photosynthesis. A notion of harmony between full and empty.
Une notion d’harmonie entre le plein et le vide.
Artist of great talent, complete, art remains in his eyes a salutary need to the everyday life of the existence. Her works transmit a lasting emotion, a reflection on Nature and Humanity. A complementarity of the full through the Median Void: a powerful factor of Peace. Her works transmit a lasting emotion, a reflection on Nature and Humanity. A complementarity of the full through the Median Void: a powerful factor of Peace.
Belgium : Biennial of sculptures of Lasne September 30 (vernissage 19h) to October 9
France :Yerres Property Caillebotte PHOTOSYNTHESIS installation with sound background
France: Chateau de Bosc
France: Vide médian and Aphorismes Galerie Argentine
France: Jardin des Oules (Uzes)
France: Fondation Pierre et Poppy Salinger
▪ France Yerres: 4e Biennale de sculptures, Property Caillebotte
▪ New York: Gallery Yoshii
▪ Trélazé -France : Espace d’art contemporain “les Ecuries”
▪ Saint Florent le Vieil France : Exposition Féminines?
▪ Paris: Métro Exposition DANS QUELLE VIE TU MONDES?
▪ Oslo : Galerie Arctandria
▪ London : Barbican Centre : “Creative Cities Collection-Beux-Art Exhibition” pendant Olympic Games
▪ France Yerres: 3 ème Biennale de la Sculpture Property Caillebotte, Exposition Collective «Autour du Rouge » Johnson & Johnson- France
▪ Paris: Night Night
▪ Paris : Musée de la Chasse et la Nature
▪ Paris : Gallery Pierre-Alain Challier
▪ Beijing : Biennale de Pekin
▪ Paris: Galerie Pierre-Alain Challier
▪ Luxembourg: Le Foyer
▪ Belgique : Invitée à l’Academie des Beaux Arts de Braine l’Alleud
▪ Barcelone : Galerie DART Bruxelles : Galerie Pierre Hallet
▪ Paris : Galerie Argentine de l’Ambassade d’Argentine
▪ Paris : Exposition personnelle Galerie Artcurial
▪ Knokke le Zoute : avec Zao Wou-Ki Galerie Offa
▪ Monaco : Galerie Pastor – Gismondi
▪ Monaco : Forum Grimaldi
▪ Antibes : Festival de la sculpture monumentale, Musée Picasso Antibes-shop
▪ Antibes : Festival de la sculpture monumentale
▪ Paris : Musée d’Histoires Naturelles- Salon des Naturalistes
▪ Paris : Galerie Argentine de l’Ambassade d’Argentine
▪ Antibes : Festival de la sculpture monumentale
▪ Tokyo : Invitée à la Tokyo School of Arts
▪ Belgique : Invitée du Groupe Quinconce au Musée Ianchelevici (Reportage Télévisé)
▪ Calvi : Festival du Vent
▪ Antibes : Sculpture monumentale
▪ Antibes : Sculpture monumentale
▪ Bruxelles : Acquisition d’une sculpture par le Musée d’Art Contemporain de Ixelles
▪ New-York : Vente d’une oeuvre par Sotheby’s au profit de la Fondation Bernadotte 1994
▪ Belgique : Exposition au Château de Ooidonk sous l’égide de Piet Bekaert, aux côtés de Guy Dill, César, Arman, Nicky de Saint Phalle…
▪ Belgique : Exposition de groupe à l’Espace Jacqmotte
▪ Belgique : Exposition avec Stéphane Jasinski
▪ Belgique : Elève de l’école des Beaux-Arts de Braine l’Alleud